
I am walking through a private field adjacent to the Uyyakondan canal near Kulumayee amman temple. The canal is wet only by sewage water and exuding septic tank water and other waste water from nearby houses, apartments and corporate houses.  Nearby fields are dry. In this field, except some stray plantain trees, there were no crops. The plight of the canal that was feeding the fields and other life forms is painful. It was 11:00 am and the sun was hot despite the chillness of air due to the recent rainfall.  The rainfall have resulted some greenery around and some clean water in the small water hole in the field. There I saw those Prinia. About 6 to 8 of those tiny birds chirping and flying hear and there in swift movements. Prinias are a genus of small insectivorous birds belonging to the passerine bird family. 

The plain prinia (13 cm) has earthy brown above without terminal spots to tail. 

Plain Prinia

Plain Prinia

Ashy Prinia (13 cm) has a ashy slate above, fulvous white below. The loose, longish, graduated, black-and-white tipped tail is carried partially erect and constantly shaken up and down. Unlike the plain prinia, the beak is black and the eyes are red in color.

Ashy Prinia

Ashy Prinia


heritage said…
Unknown said…
it's soooo nice to capture such a small bird with detailed features...
Thanks Alex for your visit and comment.
Thanks for your visit and comment.